Friday, May 21, 2010

Counsellor Troi reporting for duty

Due to requirement to attend an 80's theme party I thought long and hard about what I wanted to wear, eventually settling on the teal dress that Counsellor Troi wears in Star Trek Next Generation.

Trip to Spotlight and I had the jersey fabric required and a suitable pattern. Naturally this dress wasn't exactly the same so I had to cut longer sleeves.

The dress itself was easy peasy however I have never tackled sleeves before so I ran them through the machine a few times until the fit was correct around my arms. This was made much easier by the fact that jersey stretches and I had remembered to cut it so that it stretched around my arm! Gold star for me! The dress is also much shorter than the pattern so I lopped a huge chunk off the bottom then added a slit.

Next step was tights... OK! Let's say I am glad no one was really gettting more than a glimpse of the tights through the slit! The waist band was way lower than I would have liked and there were a couple of slightly bulgy bits that I couldn't be bothered going back to fix.

I needed a headband for this costume so found a cheapy and covered it with the same fabric then stuck some green gems on it to create the same type of look.

Here is the finished product!